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Recommended eating style for Guardians

As a Guardian, your body naturally likes to conserve energy. Your body has a slower metabolism and digestion than some other body types which is one reason a lower protein diet is recommended for you because meat protein takes longer to transit the digestive tract than other foods. If there is one HealthType that could healthily be vegetarian it would be Guardians. You have the ability to miss meals without negative effect. You might gain weight easily if not eating a proper diet and getting regular exercise. The general eating style that will be supportive for you is to eat a diet high in vegetables, low in fruits and with small amounts of lean meats. You can review your Food Guide for specifics. Vegetables provide you the energy and polysaccharides that your body needs. Sugars will strain the pancreas and fruits and carbs will be easily stored as fat. For this reason, a low glycemic diet is recommended, with less carbs and no sugar.

The ph360 Shae Health Type support group is a great place to connect with other Guardians who have adjusted to the above recommendations and have benefited greatly.

Please click here and request to join the ph360 & Shae Health Type Support Facebook Group!  

When you are not eating well, such as eating a lot of sugar, meats and very little vegetables you might notice feeling sluggish, moody, tired and anti-social.

Lemons and diuretics can be supportive to clean the system.

A wellness coach or partner can help you to stick to your healthy habit goals.

We have ph360 coaching available for very reasonable rates. Click here for more information: 

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